Customer Testimonials

David... Woodstock, GA

"None Better! I have done business with City Wide Plumbing for the past several years. They are prompt, reliable, courteous and professional. I have found none better than City Wide Plumbing."

Marietta Plumbers
Mike... Alpharetta, GA

"Excellent Service Will only use this company for future plumbing problems....This was the most pleasant repair and service call that I have ever experienced. His price was so good we scheduled a time to have the work performed."

Plumbers MArietta GA
D.L. Woodstock, Ga

"The technician was punctual, neat and polite. He expertly corrected all of our problems in a very timely manner. We have already recommended your company to others."

Plumbers Marietta GA

Sharon... Marietta, GA

"My neighbor's son works for an Heating and Air Company and recommended City Wide Plumbing for a problem I was having with my sewer system....I had Ron from City Wide at my house to investigate the problem. He recommended a free scope of the line to determine the extent of the problem....After finding the problem he presented me with some options....I decided to have the work done.....They completed the work the same day and had my sewer system up and running......After the work was completed they cleaned the work area and checked my system to make sure everything was working properly.....I would recommend this company to all of my friends and family."

Plumbers Marietta GA